Case Study

DIHEGO Case Study | Industrial Energy Saving

case study
Case StudyMay 6, 2020


A meat processing plant in Honduras is experiencing the full force of the Eniscope energy monitoring system and its capacity to drive huge operational and behavioural change.

The project has been executed by Lumen Energy Solutions, a global Best.Energy partner. Despite only having worked with the new Eniscope technology for less than six months by the time this project started, they have been able to fully harness its awesome potential.

The secret lies in a powerful energy management philosophy, based around engaging with the client at every level.

What was the problem?

Industrial process plants of all types tend to be very inefficient when it comes to energy use, in a large part because processes tend to be managed and incentivised in terms of production speed and efficiency – not energy.

In this case, one of the biggest areas of inefficiency was the refrigeration units. Crucial to a meat processing plant, the system of loading and unloading from these was hugely energy inefficient – with the doors open up to 5 hours every day!

The Solution

As with all energy management projects, the process began by installing real-time energy monitoring – Eniscope. This allowed the team at Lumen, and the client themselves, to see in minute-by-minute resolution where energy was being wasted.

The refrigeration units were quickly identified as a big energy waste culprit. Lumen began a consultation with all levels of the DIHEGO hierarchy to develop a solution. The key was to save energy, without impacting process efficiency.

The Importance of engagement

That consultation process was key and a lot of time was spent educating, training and brainstorming with the staff at DIHEGO. In the end, it was the floor-level operatives themselves that came up with the best solution.

Instead of leaving the doors open during the whole process, they would stack the food outside of the doors – then shift it inside in one go. This new process reduced the time the doors were open to just 30 minutes – with a huge cumulative energy impact.