Marketing Package Terms

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Packages are available to all Best.Energy partners, enabling them to get high quality marketing assets live quickly and efficiently.

Website Design & Development

The Client instructs Best.Energy (the Agency) to work on a project to deliver a templated website.

Using the WordPress content management system (CMS), the Agency will install the established template website with view to giving the Client a good looking presence online, in an advanced and visual format, without the usually correspondingly high investment.

Included in the web project are the following services, as standard:

  • Hosting space set-up and configuration
  • Template site migration and set-up
  • Re-writing of copy to fit the Client’s company, including contributions from the Client where possible
  • New header video, unique to the Client
  • Changing of colour scheme to suit Client’s brand. See ‘Branding’ below.
  • Google Analytics & Google Search Console set-up and submission to Google for indexing
  • Blog integration, where selected and paid for from package options
  • Photo changes where required by the Client. Any stock imagery will be paid for by the Client

The package does not include as standard any web development work that changes the nature, structure or functionality of the themed website. For example, the addition of a new section not otherwise already found on the website, or the addition of functionality to a section not otherwise already found in a similar section on the site.

It is the purpose of these sites to be fast to deliver and cost-effective to purchase, which is why this form of work has been ommitted. Any such work can be quoted for and charged for separate to the package initially agreed, but will not be included free of charge.


The new website will represent the Client’s branding ‘feel’ – including colour scheme, if the Client has an established brand. If not, then all Marketing Packages include a set of logo and colour palette options to choose from.

The design team may make suggestions for any previously established brands to help them work well online, which will be agreed between the parties before action is taken.

Advertising & Digital Campaigns [Where Included]

The Agency can make no guarantees as to the profitability of a digital advertising campaign or its component parts. It is for the Client to judge its value, given the advice of the Agency and the data generated by the campaign. The Agency will use reasonable endeavours to maximise returns from the ad spend or other campaign, and pursue the Client’s objectives.

Often in this form of project, the nature, structure and balance of the campaign changes considerably during the length of the campaign. It is the nature of digital advertising that different methods and strategies should be explored as part of the campaign. In such cases, we ask for patience whilst we test the available tools and techniques.

All work carried out by the Agency on the AdWords and Social Media accounts used under this agreement, if any, will remain the intellectual property of the Agency throughout the life of this agreement and in perpetuity after its completion or termination.

Should the Client choose to terminate this project, the campaign(s) created by the Agency will be removed from the account with immediate effect. The account will be returned to as close to the original layout as is possible.

The Agency undertakes to establish and maintain tracking systems for monitoring the progress of each campaign. This will include AdWords conversion tracking, Facebook Pixel tracking and LinkedIn Insight Tagging where appropriate.

The Client understands that the direct costs of advertising are payable directly to the advertising facilitator – Google, Facebook, LinkedIn or others. The Agency will not handle this money on behalf of the Client.

As such, the Client undertakes to set up billing information where appropriate promptly and keep this up-to-date. The Agency will indicate where this is required.

Researched Leads & Email Campaigns [Where Included]

As part of certain packages, like the ‘marketing super-charger package’, we will provide a database of researched ‘leads’. A lead is defined as the contact details (email and LinkedIn profile link), name and position of a business contact. No telephone numbers will be provided.

Please note, these leads have not been contacted for you when the spreadsheet is provided. They are therefore ‘cold’ and need contact to turn them into ‘hot’ leads.

Please also note that, although the Agency will do their best to provide consistently valuable and reliable data – no guarantees can be provided that all leads passed over will have all details correct at the time of contact. In particular, email addresses cannot be individually verified within the time constraints of the marketing package service. No minimum percentage of deliverable emails is guaranteed within this service.

This contact can be supported by the Agency with an email campaign management service, available via quotation on request, and / or via strategies like LinkedIn lead generation and email lead generation for which there are guides available on the Support Portal.

Email campaign management includes the drafting of an email outreach campaign or campaigns on the platform ‘Woodpecker’. See

It is the Client’s responsibility to maintain and pay for an account on that platform. A free trial of 500 emails will be provided by the Agency to begin with.

General Delivery Terms & Conditions

Intellectual rights to the published website rest with the Agency. The Agency retains the right to use the site within their portfolio and case studies in perpetuity.

The Agency also withholds the right to maintain a page on the website titled ‘About Best.Energy’ or similar that describes Best.Energy, in relation to its status as the Client’s partner. This may include a link back to the main Best.Energy website at

At any time during or subsequent to the contracted project, the Client & Agency agree to keep in strictest confidence and trust all of the confidential information to which each party has access. The Client will not use or disclose the confidential information without written consent from the Agency and vice versa.

The Agency makes no guarantee/warranty of project completion if the Agency’s work is destroyed either wholly or in parts, either knowingly or unknowingly by any party without the prior consultation of the Agency. Actions resulting in such destruction may include, but are not limited to, deleting a file or folder or changing the site architecture during the project. Additional fees may apply to complete the project in such an event.

The Client understands that the fees stated in this agreement cover the work hours allocated by the Agency. Further costs may be incurred in the completion of this project, including, but not limited to, stock photography, WordPress theme purchase, third-party illustrator, WordPress plugins and any specially coded features required not already considered. These costs do not apply to every project. Any such costs will be agreed between the parties before expenditure.

The fees stated include an allowance for one round of changes to the first draft of the website. Further changes thereafter will be charged at a standard rate of £40 / hour (+ VAT where applicable).

We therefore strongly advise the Client to carefully review the first draft and compile a thorough list of required amendments to avoid extra charges.

Time Period

The web project typically takes between 3 and 8 weeks to completion, depending on the number of changes requested by the Client and whether translations are required.

Termination & Refund Policy

The Client can terminate the delivery of any Marketing Package by giving written notice. On receipt of the written notice, the Agency will stop work immediately.

Should the Client terminate the Marketing Package after any element has been delivered (including, but not limited to logo, website, database of leads, advertising campaign or email campaign) no refund will be payable.

Should the Client terminate within 14 days of paying for the Marketing Package, and should no element of the package have been delivered, a refund will be payable. This will be settled in full within 30 days.


Fees payable for the Marketing Package will be confirmed with you via email and formally stated via a pro forma document.

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